Onde a tradição encontra a inovação na encantadora Ilha do Corvo. Explore os nossos serviços únicos, criados com paixão e autenticidade, para vivenciar o rico património cultural deste paraíso remoto.
Fabricando Fechaduras do Corvo no molde original.
Honrados globalmente, preservamos a tradição de forma sustentável. Para além da nossa oficina, somos educadores. Não é apenas um negócio; é um guardião da história, um promotor da cultura e um contador de histórias global.
Junte-se a nós na nossa missão de enriquecer a comunidade através de parcerias com organizações como o Corvo Vivo.
EXCELLENTBased on 8 reviews
Luis P2023-08-12Great work David found a way of doing business that values the heritage of Corvo Island. Thanks to his work, the Corvo traditional wood lock continues to be produced and taken across borders. Keep it up!Verified
Lucy2022-09-17Óptimo local a visitar na ilha do Corvo Fomos muito bem recebidos... O proprietário contou-nos a história do local e mostrou-nos o material usado para o fabrico do artesanato. É um local a visitar...Verified
Alexander D2022-09-16Beautiful traditional store David's store is beautiful. The store is also the workshop and you can see the locks in the process. It smells very much like wood. I wanted to buy a lock on the spot. But all were already out of stock or reserved. But that was no problem. We have kept in touch via Whatsapp and he sent me the lock then to. Small extra wishes were also possible without surcharge. Very nice owner. On Corvo I can only recommend this store with traditional wooden locksVerified
N U2022-09-12Custom Made I commissioned eight, large handmade locks for an historic house overseas . Absolutely superb craftsmanship . They were incredibly well made; shipped over on time and they all function perfectly. Thank you !Verified
Vânia C2022-09-12Wonderful project! This is a wonderful project which allows the cultural heritage of the island to be preserved! If you visit Corvo don't hesitate and visit Aparas de Madeira!Verified
Luísa F2022-09-12Encontro com a cultura do Corvo! Uma excelente localização desta oficina, bem organizada e com um artesão muito simpático, que demonstra muito gosto no que faz e nos cativa para sabermos mais sobre a cultura e tradição da ilha!Verified
Vera2022-09-125 stars A really nice and tradicional place. Very clean and organized space. The owner is truely helpfull and really nice person. I really recommend this place to visit and to buy the traditional stuffs and suvenirs from Corvo.Verified
Gustavofx2022-09-12A place where knowledge and tradition come togheter Aparas de madeira is a local woodworking shop where much of the culture and tradition of Corvo island comes to life. David is the artisan of Aparas de madeira. He welcomes all visitors either local or passing by the island, and gives the true spirit of the place. The shop was once the gathering point of the local people where they fixed their agricultural tools and produce other wood works. It was a place were knowledge passed between generations until today. David produces all the woodwork pieces like the traditional wood locks using that same knowledge and materials. Giving back to the community, David continues that knowledge keeping the door open to anyone who is interested in learning the skills of woodworking.
Entre em contato connosco hoje para saber mais sobre os nossos serviços, workshops e projetos.
Mal podemos esperar para dar-lhe as boas-vindas à nossa oficina na Ilha do Corvo e partilhar consigo a magia da artesanía tradicional.
Contacte-nos e agende a sua experiência hoje!
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